Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tulum Real Estate


2009-07-14 06:14:35 - Real estate in Tulum has seen a striking increase in popularity over the past several years and as a result the property values have continued to increase dramatically. The small Mayan town 2 hours south of Cancun has long been treasured by tourists as a sanctuary for its breathtaking beaches, stunning ruins overlooking the cliffs to the Caribbean Sea and its amazing marine life. Highly valued as a tourist destination in Mexico, real estate in Tulum is reaping many benefits.

Declared the 9th and most recent municipality in the state of Quintana Roo, this area has seen significant improvements in its infrastructure and continues to prepare for its growth into the future. The upcoming addition of a new international airport has sent businesses from all over Mexico and the world into a frenzy to buy up real estate in this

promising area.

Finding out about great property deals in Tulum has been difficult in the past as this small community has operated sales of real estate mainly by word of mouth. Websites that have popped up all over the internet are featuring these properties in Tulum and bringing them to a whole new world wide market. The world wide web is becoming a wonderful resource for those looking for great real estate opportunities in Tulum.

With recent changes to Mexican law anyone can now own property anywhere in Mexico. This includes foreign ownership in the “restricted zone” of Mexico. The restricted zone, as deemed by the constitution of Mexico, is 100 km (62 miles) from any Mexican boarder and within 50 km (31 miles) from any coastline. The constitution states that land within this zone may not be owned by foreigners. In order to comply with federal law but also promote foreign investments within Mexico, the government established fideicomisos. Set up through a Mexican bank these fideicomisos, similar to a trust in USA, allow for property in the restricted zone to be owned by foreigners.

As all of Tulum and the surrounding area falls within the restricted zone, the changes to these laws have dramatically opened the possibilities for foreign ownership in Tulum just in time for investors to get in early and see dramatic increases in property values.

Owning real estate in Tulum continually proves to be a strong investment and continues to show growth as the availability of these properties in Tulum are becoming searchable by a global market place.

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