Sunday, April 4, 2010

Why Mexico for Retirement

Why Mexico for Retirement

According to Fortune Magazine :
"...leaving the U.S. can be a way to double your retirement dollar. Pick the right country, and you may be able to trade up to a larger house, get a pool, hire servants--and guarantee visits from your kids. Mexico is bargain numero uno. A newly retired couple can set up housekeeping for $1,500 a month--$500 each for living expenses and $500 to rent a house."

"When Mexico recently firmed up laws for foreigners to own land through bank trusts, the floodgates opened... A beachfront lot 30 miles up the coast in southern California would cost you several million dollars. South of the border, a spot on the beach can cost you less than $100,000."
--CBS Evening News

Retire to the land of peasant uprisings and economic chaos? Americans are finding the reality behind the media image to be tremendously appealing: The weather's great, the people are warm and a devalued peso makes them instantly richer.
-- U.S. News and World Report

"The gringos are moving where the living is easy... They move south not so much in pursuit of the sun, which they could find just as easily in Florida or Arizona, but in a search for a cheaper way of life"
-- The Economist

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